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Zhang Henshui's Essay: Getting Married at 81-- modern chinese literature 张恨水《八十一岁结婚》


◎ 张恨水





[2]“用非其时也”意即“在错误的时候做错误的事”,故译doing the wrong thing at the wrong time。

[3]“中国人的事业观”可译为According to the Chinese outlook on life,或According to the Chinese,或According to the Chinese view on one’s career。

[4]“到了五十以上”译为on the wrong side of 50,意同older than 50。

[5]“就有抽身不得的慨叹了”现按“谅必为自己的处境叫苦”而译为must bemoan their plight,其中must作“想必”、“谅必”解。

[6]“就事业的观点上说”译为from the standpoint of a worthy cause,其中worthy作“好的”、“有意义的”解,是译文中的增益词。

[7]“为人作事”不宜按字面直译,现译为to conduct oneself。

[8]“一老就觉得自己不行”译为Calling yourself a good-for-nothing on account of age,其中good-for-nothing作“无用的人”解,on account of age意同because of old age, age(单独用)可指“年迈”。

[9]“和我们打一针兴奋剂”译为serve to give us a shot in the arm,其中to give one a shot in the arm是成语,意思是“给某人打气(或刺激、鼓励等)”。

[10]“赫尔”全名“科德尔·赫尔”Cordell Hull(1871—1955),1933至1944年任美国国务卿,主张改变高关税壁垒,改善美国与拉丁美洲国家的关系,反对日本对中国的军事侵略,协助筹建联合国,获1945年诺贝尔和平奖。

[11]“劳合·乔治”全名“大卫·劳埃德·乔治”David Lloyd George(1863—1945),第一次世界大战期间任英国首相(1916—1922),大战结束后于1919年参加巴黎和会。

[12]“没枉过‘吾生也有涯’的岁月”可按“没有浪费短暂的一生”从正面译为fully utilize the transient days of one’s life,其中transient作“转瞬即逝”解。

[13]“中年人干吧”译为Middle-aged fellow countrymen, roll up your sleeves,其中用fellow countrymen(同胞们)替代men,较为亲切,又roll up your sleeves也是成语,意即“准备大干”。

Getting Married at 81

◎ Zhang Henshui

Jin Shengtan[1] says,“People over 30 should not become an official, and people over 50 should not get married. Why? Because otherwise they would be doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.”That is representative of the mentality of people at large in China. According to the Chinese outlook on life, it is most enviable“to achieve success in one’s early years”but most sorrowful“to fail to achieve it until one’s old age.”Hence, even a successful man will feel like going into retirement when he is on the wrong side of 50. And those who continue to work out of necessity in their sixties or seventies must bemoan their plight. However, considering that men seldom live up to the age of 80, their personal concerns may seem to be impeccable. But, from the standpoint of a worthy cause, they are wrong. Because the older one is, the more knowledgeable and experienced he is, and therefore the more indispensable he is to a great cause. Moreover, one should conduct oneself with self-confidence. Calling yourself a good-for-nothing on account of age manifests your lack of vitality. The same is true of a nation. Self-confidence has a lot to do with its rise and fall. Unlike us Chinese, Westerners usually go in for great undertakings in late life. The recent cases of two Western senior politicians set a good example for us and serve to give us a shot in the arm. One was 72-year-old US Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who went to Moscow to attend the 3-power conference in the limelight of the world. The other was former British prime minister Lloyd George, who got married at the age of 81. Their activities afforded proof of their vitality and youthful spirit. The way to live a meaningful life and fully utilize the transient days of one’s life is by continuing to work vigorously in old age rather than retire.

Our national cause now rests, for the most part, on the shoulders of our middle-aged men — men in their forties or fifties. Middle-aged fellow countrymen, roll up your sleeves to strive for our ultimate goal!

[1]Jin Shengtan (1608—1661), a native of Wuxian, Jiangsu Province, was a remarkable scholar in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, known for his creative thinking in literary criticism.

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