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Yu Xuanji: To a Friend, Feeling in Late Spring ~ 鱼玄机·《暮春有感寄友人》 with English Translations







To a Friend, Feeling in Late Spring

Yu Xuanji

The chatter of the nightingale

disrupts fragmented dreams;

a light dusting of powder

hides a face tear-stained.

In the shadow of bamboos,

the early moon is thin;

over the quiet of the river,

the evening mist is thick.

Wetting its beak

is a swallow gathering mud;

perfuming its whiskers

is a bee collecting nectar.

Alone and forlorn

as I endlessly long,

in the drooping pines

I finish my song.

(Jennifer Carpenter 译)

Moved by the End of Spring: Sent to a Friend

Yu Xuanji

The oriole’s song startles me from the remnants of a dream,

Light make-up alters my tear-streaked face.

Through shady bamboos the new moon is dim;

Over the quiet river the evening mist is thick.

Damp-mouthed swallows carry mud,

And bees, their feelers scented, gather pollen.

Alone I pity my endless longings

And finish my song beside the low-limbed pine trees.

(Bannie Chow, Thomas Cleary 译)

Reproduction without permission is prohibited:Tang Dynasty poetry » Yu Xuanji: To a Friend, Feeling in Late Spring ~ 鱼玄机·《暮春有感寄友人》 with English Translations
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