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Tao Yuanming: Begging for Food ~ 陶渊明·《乞食》 with English Translations










Begging for Food

Tao Yuanming

When Hunger came to drive me far away,

I did not know to wander to what side;

I walked alone until I reached this house.

Knocked at the door and found my tongue was tied.

My good host understood what was my wish.

And fed me that I might not come in vain.

We talked and joked until the evening time,

And when my cup was filled I would it drain.

I am delighted with my new found friend,

And thus in speaking have these verses framed.

So grateful for your hospitality,

I for my lack of talents am ashamed.

With grateful heart my thanks I cannot say,

But after death I may the gift repay.

(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)

Begging for Food

Tao Yuanming

Driven by hunger I seek for food and drink,

Not knowing where to go however hard I think.

I walk and walk till I come to a door;

I tap the door but stammer, plead, implore.

The host know why I come and what I need,

And gives me lots of solid food indeed.

Until sunset I chatter with the host

And quaff the cup with him in cheers and toast.

I’m overjoyed to meet this gentle friend

And write some verses fro the time we spend.

You are kind as the dame who fed Han Xin,

Whose fame I am afraid I will not win.

If I fail to give him thanks in deed and word,

I will repay him in the netherworld.

(汪榕培 译)

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