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Meng Jiao Poem: Song of the Mountain Goddess - 孟郊《巫山曲》












[1] 巫山:巫山山脉位于川鄂交界地区,北与大巴山相连,呈东北西南走向。

[2] 巴江:流经今四川、湖北境内,发源于石林县城北,从石林大叠水进入宜良县竹山乡而汇入南盘江,因其源头盘旋回绕形如“巴”字而得名。

[3] 十二峰:位于巫山县东部的长江两岸,江南江北各有六峰。分别为:登龙、圣泉、朝云、望霞(神女)、松峦、集仙、净坛、起云、上升、飞凤、翠屏、聚鹤。

[4] 荆王:楚王。古称楚地为荆。

[5] 高丘:神女居处。《高唐赋》神女自述:“妾在巫山之阳,高丘之阴。”

[6] 轻红:颜色清淡的花。

Song of the Mountain Goddess

Meng Jiao

Going upstream, I see mountain on mountain high;

The twelve green peaks with Sunny Terrace scrape the sky.

The king in hunting caught by sudden evening shower

Slept there and dreamed of the Goddess in Sunny Bower.

To her charm added the mist-veiled rainbow dress bright;

Away she flew with faded stars and clouds in flight.

However far I stretch my eyes, she can’t be found;

Hearing the monkey’s wail, in longing tears I’m drowned.

The legend goes that King Xiang of Chu dreamed of the Mountain Goddess and made love with her in the Sunny Bower, and she would come in morning cloud and go away in evening shower. The poet sees the Peak of Goddess and writes this poem.


Wushan Qu” is an ancient poem in seven lines written by Meng Jiao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem is mainly about the legend of the Goddess of Wushan. The first two lines are about the scenes the poet sees along the way. The third and fourth stanzas are about the ancient myth of the king of Chu’s dream of meeting the goddess. The poem replaces the high hill where the king of Chu lies at night with the high hill where the goddess lives, so that the scene is concentrated in one place and the meeting between the king of Chu and the goddess is more focused. The fifth and sixth lines are about the image of the goddess. The last two lines are about the feeling of loss and melancholy, showing the pain of parting from the goddess. The poem succeeds in depicting the image of the goddess, and is written in an imaginative and evanescent way, with appropriate phrases. At the same time, the poet perfectly blends his thoughts with the legend of the Goddess and the scenery in the gorge, and expresses his special feelings in the gorge.

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