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Roots of Wisdom: 平民肯种德施惠,便是无位的公相; ~《菜根谭》(种德施惠、无位公相)



If an ordinary person secretly stores up virtue and does charitable deeds he is as influential as a duke or minister despite his lack of fame and position. If a noble grandee does nothing but seek greater patronage, power and wealth, he is nothing more than a beggar with a titled rank.

(保罗·怀特 译)

An ordinary person who is willing to cultivate his morality and bestow benevolence to others will be esteemed as a duke without rank. A noble official who is only interested in seeking after higher rank and more favors will be looked down upon as a beggar with title.

(周文标 译)

A commoner who does good and accumulates merit is a lord without a title; a scholar official who covets power and curries favor is a beggar with a position.

(蒋坚松 译)

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