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Li Bai Poem: Invitation to Wine – 李白《将进酒》

















[1] 将(qiānɡ)进酒:乐府旧题,属《鼓吹曲·饶歌》,内容多写饮酒放歌的情事。将,请。

[2] 君不见:你没有看见。这是乐府诗中常用的套语,“君不闻”,也是这样的。君,多为泛指。

[3] 高堂:高大的厅堂。

[4] 会须:应该。

[5] 岑夫子。丹丘生:岑勋、元丹丘。两人均为李白好友。

[6] 钟鼓馔(zhuàn)玉:代指豪门富贵。古时富贵人家宴会上常鸣钟击鼓作乐。馔玉,“玉馔”的倒文,喻精美的饮食。

[7] 陈王:三国魏曹植,他是曹操的第三个儿子,曾被封为陈王。

[8] 宴平乐:曹植《名都篇》:“归来宴平乐,美酒斗十千。”平乐,即平乐观(ɡuàn),汉宫阙名,旧址在今河南省洛阳市附近。

[9] 主人:作者自称。

[10] 五花马:五色花纹的好马。

[11] 千金裘:价值千金的皮衣。《史记·孟尝君列传》:“孟尝君有一狐白裘,值千金。”裘,皮衣。

Invitation to Wine

Li Bai

Do you not see the Yellow River come from the sky,

Rushing into the sea and ne’er come back?

Do you not see the mirrors bright in chambers high

Grieve o’er your snow-white hair though once it was silk-black?

When hopes are won, oh! Drink your fill in high delight,

And never leave your wine-cup empty in moonlight!

Heaven has made us talents, we’re not made in vain.

A thousand gold coins spent, more will turn up again.

Kill a cow, cook a sheep and let us merry be,

And drink three hundred cupfuls of wine in high glee!

Dear friends of mine,

Cheer up, cheer up!

I invite you to wine.

Do not put down your cup!

I will sing you a song, please hear,

O hear! Lend me a willing ear!

What difference will rare and costly dishes make?

I only want to get drunk and never to wake.

How many great men were forgotten through the ages?

But great drinkers are more famous than sober sages.

The Prince of Poets feast’d in his palace at will,

Drank wine at ten thousand a cask and laughed his fill.

A host should not complain of money he is short,

To drink with you I will sell things of any sort.

My fur coat worth a thousand coins of gold

And my flower-dappled horse may be sold

To buy good wine that we may drown the woes age-old.

The poet invites his friends to wine so as to drown the age-old sorrow.


“Invitation to Wine” is a seven-word poem written by Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, using the old title of “Le Fu”. The poem is very deep in thought and mature in artistic expression, and is the most influential among the works of the same title. The poet drinks and sings, using wine to dispel his sorrow, and expresses his deep and wide feelings of sorrow and anger. The poem is interwoven with feelings of disappointment and confidence, sorrow and anger, and resistance, reflecting the poet’s strong personality of boldness and wildness. The poem is full of emotions, no matter it is joy, anger, sorrow or happiness, the outburst is like a river flowing, unstoppable, and the ups and downs are violent; in terms of techniques, exaggeration is mostly used, and the poem is often decorated with huge number of words, which not only shows the poet’s bold and liberal feelings, but also makes the poem itself look smooth and lyrical; in terms of structure, the poem is wide open and relaxed, fully reflecting Li Bai’s bold characteristics of seven-word songs.

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