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My Idle Dreams Roam Far (Gazing at the South) -Li Yu (李煜)

My Idle Dreams Roam Far (Gazing at the South)
Li Yu

李煜 〔五代〕

闲梦远,南国正清秋。千里江山寒色暮,芦花深处泊孤舟,笛在月明楼。(寒色暮 一作:寒色远)

Idle dream far
South land positively fragrant spring
Boat on wind string river surface clear
Full city fly catkins light dust
Busy extremely look flower people
Idle dream far
South land positively clear autumn
Thousand li rivers hills cold colour far
Reed flower in depths moor solitary boat
Flute at moon bright night
My idle dreams roam far,
To the southern land where spring is fragrant.
Wind and strings play on a boat on the river’s clear surface,
The city is full of catkins flying like light dust.
People are occupied admiring the flowers.
My idle dreams roam far,
To the southern land where autumn is clear.
For a thousand li over rivers and hills cold colours stretch far,
Deep in flowering reeds, a solitary boat is moored.
Beneath the bright moon, a flute plays in the tower.
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