Finding Form
Lu Chi
Know when the work should be full,
and when it should be compacted.
Know when to life your eyes
and when to scrutinize.
Adapt to occasions as they arise;
permit emotions to be subtle.
When the language is common,
the image must be telling.
When the thinking is clumsy,
the language must move smoothly.
Old clothes can be refurbished;
the stream we muddy
soon runs itself clean again.
Only after looking and listening
closely can one make
these variations subtleties
work their magic.
The sleeves of the dancers
move with the melodies;
the singers’ voices rise
and fall with the music.
P’ien the Wheelwright
tried to explain it,
but he couldn’t.
Nor can the artificial flowers of the critics
explain it.
(Sam Hamill 译)