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Li Po: Bathed and Washed ~ 李白·《沐浴子》






Bathed and Washed

Li Po


‘Bathed in fragrance,

do not brush your hat;

Washed in perfume,

do not shake your coat:


‘Knowing the world

fears what is too pure,

The wisest man

prizes and stores light!’


By Bluewater

an old angler stat:

You and I together,

let us go home.


(Arthur Cooper 译)


Fisherman Friend

Li Pai


If you have washed your hair

in scented water, do not dust

your hat; then if you have

the fragrance of the baths

still on you, do not shake

your clothes; no one likes

one who is too good; the wise man

hides his perfections; hey there,

old fisherman friend1, wait for me,

I’m coming along with you!


1. The old fisherman is a typical common man.


(Rewi Alley 译)

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