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Chinese Fable Stories - No Dregs for the Swine





No Dregs for the Swine

Thirty li west of my prefecture lies Hefu Mountain, in whose shelter nestles a temple dedicated to one Wang Po (Old Dame Wang). Nobody knows when this old woman lived. A story has it that she made a living by selling wine and that there was a Taoist priest who often came to her shop and drank wine without paying her. But the old woman did not seem to mind. One day, the priest said to her, “I have never paid you for any of the wine I have drunk, but I will sink a well for you.” So the priest sank the well and it proved to contain the mellowest of wine. “This is my payment!” said the priest, and was gone.

The old woman no longer brewed her own wine but sold that from the well to the customers, who found it better than any they had ever tasted. Drinkers crowded her shop, and in three years she became very rich.

One day, the priest came again. The old woman thanked him.

“Is the wine good?” asked the priest.

“Very good,” answered the old woman. “Only there are no dregs for the swine!”

The priest laughed and wrote on the wall the following lines:

High is the sky,

But higher is human desire.

Well water she sells as wine,

Yet complains for lack of dregs for her swine!

Then the priest went away and the well gave no more wine.

Stories by Xue Tao

(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)

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