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Ancient Chinese Fables for Kids- A Parable on Study










A Parable on Study

“I am seventy already,” said Duke Ping of Jin to his blind musician Shi Kuang. “Though I want very much to study and read some books, I feel it is too late.”

“But why not light the candle?” suggested Shi Kuang.

“How dare a subject joke with his master?” cried the duke angrily.

“A blind musician, I dare not!” protested Shi Kuang. “But I have heard that if a man is fond of study in his youth, his future is as bright as the morning sun; if he applies himself to study in middle age, it is like the noon-day sun; while if he begins to study when he is old, it is like a candle’s flame. Though a candle is not very bright, at least it is better than groping in the dark.”

The duke agreed with him.

–The Garden of Anecdotes (Shuo Yuan)

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