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Ai Qing's Essay: The Hunter and Bird Painting-- modern chinese literature 艾青《画鸟的猎人》


















The Hunter and Bird Painting

Ai Qing

A man wanted to learn hunting and offered to apprentice himself to a hunter,to whom he said,“One’s got to have a speciality.Of all the different trades,I like hunting best.I hope I can go inside a woods with a shotgun and shoot down any bird I want to.”

The hunter checked on the quality of the would-be hunter’s shotgun and saw it was all right.He also found the man to be quite determined to learn hunting.So he told him the different characteristics of various birds as well as how to aim and shoot.He also advised him to practise shooting on various kinds of birds.

Thereupon,the man believed that the hunter’s words had already made a good hunter of himself.So he went inside a woods,shotgun in hand.However,to his great dismay,wherever he went,all the birds just flew away even before he raised his shotgun.

So he went to call on the hunter again,saying,“Birds are clever.They discover me before I see them.They’re gone before I raise my shotgun.”

“Do you mean you want to shoot at only birds that can’t fly?”asked the hunter.

“Honestly,”the man replied,“how nice it would be if birds couldn’t fly when I go hunting!”

“Go home and look for a piece of cardboard,”said the hunter.“Hang it up on a tree after you paint a bird on it.Then shoot at this bird,and you’ll make it.”

The man,after arriving home,did what the hunter had told him to do.But,alas,he fired several times without hitting the painted bird.He had no choice but to go and see the hunter again,saying,“I’ve done everything the way you suggested,but without success.”The hunter asked him why and the man replied,“Maybe I’ve painted the bird too small,or fired from a place not close enough.”

The hunter went on after pondering for a moment,“I’ve been deeply touched by your strong will.Now you go home and hang up on the tree a larger sheet of cardboard for you to shoot at.You’ll make it this time,I’m sure.”

The man asked apprehensively,“Shoot from the same distance?”

“It’s up to you to decide.”

“There’ll also be a bird painted on the cardboard?”


The man asked with a forced smile,“You mean I’m to target the cardboard only?”

The hunter explained in good earnest,“What I mean is this:Keep firing at the cardboard as many times as you like.Then paint a bird wherever there is a hole.As a result,there will be as many birds as your holes.That’s the way for you to be absolutely certain about your success.”



(1) 题目“画鸟的猎人”未直译为The Hunter(Who)Paints Birds,而按“猎人与画鸟的故事”之意译为The Hunter and Bird Painting。

(2)“找到一个打猎的人,拜他做老师”意即“拜一个猎人为师”,故译and offered to apprentice himself to a hunter,也可译为and volunteered to become a pupil to a master hunter。

(3)“人必须有一技之长”译为One’s got to have a speciality,也可译为One must have a particular skill。

(4)“树林”译为a woods或a wood皆可,也可译为a forest,但通常指较大的树林,或未开垦的森林,如virgin forest(原始森林)。

(5)“那个徒弟的枪”可译为the pupil’s shotgun,现译the would-be hunter’s shotgun,其中would-be作“想要成为的”解。

(6)“寻找各种鸟去练习”译为to practise shooting on various kinds of birds,其中to practise…on…是习惯搭配,意为“以……作为实习对象”或“利用……作某种实习”。

(7)“走到那里,还没有举起枪,鸟就飞走了”译为to his great dismay,wherever he went,all the birds just flew away before he raised his shotgun,其中to his great dismay(令他沮丧的是)是译文中的增益成分,原文虽无其词但有其意。

(8)“一张硬纸”译为a piece of cardboard或a sheet of thick paper皆可,cardboard本指一种厚纸板。

(9)“朝那鸟打——你一定会成功”译为Then shoot at this bird,and you’ll make it,其中成语to make it作“成功”解。

(10)“试验着打了几枪,却没有一枪能打中”译为But,alas,he fired several times without hitting the painted bird,其中alas等于unfortunately,是译文中的增益成分,原文虽无其词但有其意。

(11)“对你的决心,我很感动”意即“你的坚强意志使我感动”,故译为I’ve been deeply touched by your strong will。如按字面直译为I’ve been deeply touched by your determination,就欠确切。

(12)“那不是打纸么?”意即“那不是把纸当作射击对象么?”,故译You mean I’m to target the cardboard?,其中target作“把……作为目标”解。

(13)“猎人很严肃地告诉他说”可按“猎人一本正经地告诉他说”译为The hunter explained in good earnest。如把“严肃地”译为solemnly、sternly等,均欠确切。

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