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《红楼梦》·《灯谜诗二·宝玉》 with English Translations





Twixt heaven and earth amidst the clouds so high,

Bamboo gives warning to the passer-by.

Eyes strain some feathered traveler to descry,

Who’ll bear my answer back into the sky.

(David Hawkes 译)

In Heaven and among men, both of vast extent.

The red jade festival passes. Be careful to take precautions.

The sound of the luan bells, the tidings of the crane. We ought to fix our gaze,

So as to take sighs and sobs to answer high Heaven.

(B. S. Bonsall 译)

Both from the heavens and from the earth, it’s indistinct to view.

What time the “Lang Ya” feast goes past, then mind you take great care.

When the “luan’s” notes you catch and the crane’s message thou’ll look up:

It is a splendid thing to turn and breathe towards the vault of heaven.

(H. Bencraft Joly 译)

Vanished from heaven and the world of men,

The bamboo frame bids us beware!

Gaze up to catch the message from the phoenix,

And sigh your answer to the azure air.

(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)

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